ASM Recap Videos

After every campaign at Access Sports Media we would put together POP (proof of purchase) decks together for the client to see the amount of work that went into it, and to see how the campaign performed. But for really big campaigns we would make recap videos that really showed the client the scope of what was accomplished.

The videos were also great internal pieces too. Instead of just a PowerPoint deck that wrapped up the campaign, staff could see how all their hard work paid off, and that all the hard work was worth it.


Grow with Google

Google launched a campaign around helping Veterans find work called Grow with Google. We teamed up to base the campaign around the celebrated Army vs Navy game. There was in-arena digital signage, social posts, broadcast content, and on-site activations.

The Great Wall

For Legendary Pictures, we put together on-court activations, digital signage, player appearances, special screenings, and a grand prize trip to China.


Hulu - Home Fan Cam

Fans of the Cleveland Cavs and L.A. Clippers were encouraged to enter a sweepstakes where they sent in videos of them being super fans. Select videos were played on the Jumbotron, and two lucky fans were able to meet players Kevin Love and DeAndre Jordan. The contest was promoted on player and team social, inside the arenas, and on broadcast TV.


ASM Media Kit 2018


MLB Work